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Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Mercenary Grimgrom
Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Mercenary Grimgrom
Cena:200.58 zł
Stara cena:258.93 złCzas dostawy:2025-02-25Program partnerski:0 pkt.
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Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Mercenary Grimgrom

brak recenzji - napisz swoją!
Opis w języku angielskim: With his family's ancestral mine exhausted of resources Grimgrom is forced to hang up his pickaxe and pick up his battle axe. A natural fighter, this tough as nails dwarf was forged from decades of dangerous underground labor. Now a blade for hire, he sells his services to the highest bidder. Grimgrom quickly establishes himself as one of the best in the business and regularly finds himself under the employment of the Accord's King Steelblade himself.

Now of course swinging axes isn't the only thing he's good for these days, he's also got a really big hammer.
Never one to shy away in the face of danger, Grimgrom readies himself for the coming adventure!
Producent: Boss Fight Studio
Seria: Other
ISBN: 814800024667

Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 200.58 zł
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