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Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Tavern Keeper Madame Ruskin
Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Tavern Keeper Madame Ruskin
Cena:200.58 zł
Stara cena:258.93 złCzas dostawy:2025-02-25Program partnerski:0 pkt.
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Preorder: Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure Dwarf Tavern Keeper Madame Ruskin

brak recenzji - napisz swoją!
Opis w języku angielskim: A seasoned adventurer in her time, Madame Ruskin longed for a more relaxing life of peace and quiet. Seizing the opportunity for a new lifestyle Ruskin traded her meager quest earnings for a tavern on the border of Accord and dwarven territories. Unfortunately for her, running a tavern is anything but relaxing peace and quiet. Being the only rest stop for miles, Ruskin's tavern is regularly packed shoulder to shoulder with travelers, adventurers, and the occasional rowdy rabble rouser. Though if you've come looking to start a fight, you might want to watch out.
Accompanied by stray cats, and with her trusty ladle in hand, no unruly patron is safe!
Producent: Boss Fight Studio
Seria: Other
ISBN: 814800024650

Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 200.58 zł
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