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Who Says Warriors Can't be Babes? vol 03 GN Manga
Cena:90.90 złCzas dostawy:od 11 do 21 dniProgram partnerski:0 pkt.
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Who Says Warriors Can't be Babes? vol 03 GN Manga

brak recenzji - napisz swoją!
The quirky fantasy adventures of an impossibly strong woman warrior, hoping to win the love of her crush--the Hero! Inspired both by a call to justice and a totally massive crush on the Hero, one woman trained until she became the strongest fighter alive! Unfortunately, she might have gone a little too far...because she's so strong that no matter how hard she tries, the Hero sees her as a juggernaut instead of a sexy love interest. Will the dark lord be slain? Maybe. Will two heroes fall in love? Only time will tell!
Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 90.90 zł
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